Good Shepherd International School

The quality start they need. 

Infant, Primary and Secondary Education.


+265 1 757 267, +265 1 750 655 or +265 997 728 943,

Sharpe Avenue, off Mthunthama Drive, Area 3, Lilongwe

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Nurturing children - spiritually, academically, culturally and socially.

“We believe that everyone in school should enjoy their learning and feel proud of their achievements”


Hardworking individuals ready to make a contribution to the world.


Sport and Physical Education

As a school, we recognise the important role that sport plays in our students’ development.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

We recognise the importance of the above subjects, since STEM fields affect virtually every component of our everyday lives.

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Community Service

We believe that a community thrives best when everyone in the community makes positive contributions and effort towards building a healthy and happy environment.

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Performing Arts and Culture

Identifying, recognising and nurturing gifts and talents in children.

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Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.

GSIS Alumni have been successfully placed all across the world in local and international institutions, studying a wide range of subjects in all fields. Our 14 cohorts of students have pursued tertiary education reading degrees at the best institutions in Malawi.

Those who have gone overseas and abroad have ventured to Zimbabwe, Namibia, South Africa, Australia and the United Kingdom, to name but a few.
