
Primary Years 1 & 2


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Our Infant School comprises Years 1 (5-6 years) and 2 (6-7 years). The curriculum for this age is based on the National Curriculum for England Key Stage 1 curriculum, but is modified to reflect local interests and needs.

Years 1 & 2 school day begins at 7.30 am and ends at 12.00 midday.


Subjects studied include:

English • Mathematics • Science • Geography

• History • Bible Knowledge • PE • French

• Art and Design • ICT (Information Communications Technology) • PSHE

The curriculum has recently been revised to reflect the changes to the UK curriculum and also to ensure that the content is up-to-date and relevant to our local needs. Children are enabled to develop a strong foundation in key skills building on what they have learned in Reception. The timetable is structured to provide the following:

• Daily English and Maths lessons

• Daily reading to an adult

• Handwriting practice


Personal and social education continues to be a vital part of the curriculum throughout the school. The SEAL and Circle Time programmes are delivered at the beginning of each day and during weekly assemblies.

Specialist Teaching

Most subjects are taught by class teachers, but there is specialist teaching of PE, French and ICT. There is also a Library lesson each week to enable children to learn to use the Library and to foster an appreciation and love of books.

Spiritual life

Prayer is part of each day at GSIS. Teachers encourage spiritual growth through prayer, bible reading, and one on one interactions with students. Learning is within the context of Christianity.


GSIS delivers its Primary Years curriculum through the use of the Hamilton Trust (a UK Trust) which provides high quality, fully adaptable planning and resources to primary school teachers to help them teach robust and engaging lessons.

The Curriculum promotes a strong pedagogical and strategic basis for teaching.

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